White Paper

Mycoplasma Safety Testing in Pharmaceutical Products

Sunil Khattar

By Engaged Expert

Sunil Khattar

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Sunil is a highly experienced Virologist and Molecular Biologist with over 25 years of expertise in managing GMP-compliant labs, developing innovative assays, and leading research projects in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

Ensuring patient and product safety is a critical concern for the manufacturers of pharmaceutical products.

Contaminated cell cultures and products have the potential to cause serious illness in humans. This paper provides an overview of mycoplasma testing and considerations to address when executing these studies.

To learn more about regulatory requirements and mycoplasma testing solutions, download the free white paper below.

Mycoplasma Safety Testing in Pharmaceutical Products includes guidance on

  • Regulatory regulations
  • Mycoplasma sources
  • Mycoplasma testing solutions
  • Preventative actions
  • Industry risk

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